• 3D Laser Profilometer
    LJ-V series

    • High-speed 3D measurement
    • Superior Lensing
    • Proprietary Image Processing
    • NEW One-click Optimization
  • What can be inspected?

    The high dynamic range allows accurate profiling of any surface including black rubber, shiny metals, and transparent objects.

  • What measurements can be done?

    The user friendly software makes it easy to measure height, width, angle, radius, position, and more.

  • Tire Inspection

  • Die-cast parts

  • Sheet profile

  • Micro chips


    KEYENCE has been an industry leader in sensing technology since 1974. KEYENCE's direct sales team visits customers with live demo equipment to find the possible solution for all applications.


CV-X/XG-X Series Inline 3D inspection image processing system LJ-V connection-compatible Catalogue

CV-X/XG-X Series Inline 3D inspection image processing system LJ-V connection-compatible Catalogue
  • [Tipo de archivo]PDF:8.88MB

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