• 3D Scanning System

  • 3D Scanning System
    Complete surface analysis by using the Scanning 3D System, Series VR-6000

    • 3D Analysis of the complete surface of the sample
    • Rotary unit for a 360º surface analysis
    • Avoid assembly errors
    • Non-contact 3D measurement without sample damages
    • Roughness and flatness measurement by profile tools
  • How the 3D Scanning System works?

    The new profiler VR-6000 emits structured light through multiple dual telecentric lenses to reduce distortion and receive the most accurate information possible. Distortions in the light bands caused by height differences are converted to height by triangulation. The high-precision CMOS sensor also allows for full-color images.

  • Analyze and avoid Assembly errors

    The VR-6000 roughness measurement system allows rapid detection of all elevations and depressions of an object, so any point can be measured reliably.

  • Surface Analysis and 3D Flatness Measurement

  • Multiple Telecentric Lenses for High Precision

  • Accurate 3D Measurement on Complex Surfaces

  • Visual Comparison of 3D Images from Multiple Samples

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