• Digital Microscope VHX-7000

  • Confocal Microscope
    The VHX Digital Microscope was designed with
    top-of-the-line technology in the
    lenses, camera, graphics engine, and stage.

    • 20x Greater Depth-of-Field 
    • 0.1 to 6000X Magnification 
    • Multi-Angle Observation 
    • Advanced 2D/3D Measurements
    • 4K High Definition Microscope
  • What is a Digital Microscope?

    The VHX 3D display function allows users to generate fully-focused 3D images of a target even at high magnifications. By combining glare removal functions and 3D compilation technologies, it is possible to construct a 3D profile even on targets with extremely reflective surfaces.

  • Capture Areas Completely in Focus

    The depth from defocus method allows users to always have fully-focused images. By calculating the height position of the lens when each point in the image comes into focus, a 3D image can be created with height data and detailed texture information.

  • What type of measurement capabilities do Digital Microscope have?

    Real-time 2D/3D measurements can be performed with the advanced measurement capabilities of the VHX. Any user can easily perform accurate measurements, regardless of experience. All measurements can be taken directly on screen, saved with the image, and an automatic report can be generated with all the image and measurement data.

  • Inspect from Any Angle

    Compared to conventional microscopes, the VHX is extremely flexible. With the ability to inspect targets from any angle, users are able to view parts of a target that are normally impossible to see.

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