• All-Purpose Laser Sensor | LR-T Series

  • Metal Laser Sensor
    LR-T Series

    • Superior Detection Capabilities
    • Easy to Use
    • Unmatched Versatility
    • Detection Method: "TOF" Time of Flight
  • Time of Flight Detection

    The "TOF" method of detection measures distance by calculating the time it takes for a pulse-emitted beam to leave the sensor, hit the target, and then return to the sensor.
    This enables stable detection that is unaffected by the surface conditions of the workpiece that is being detected.

  • Auto tuning

    Calibrate your sensor in seconds by simply pressing the SET button while the target you would like to detect is present, and then again when it is absent. The sensor will automatically set the optimum ON/OFF set point for your output.

  • Black rubber targets

  • Various shape targets

  • Shiny metal targets

  • Confirming insertion of parts

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