• Optical Measurement System

    IM-8000 Series  

    • One-click auto measurement
    • Automatic recognition of position and origin of up to 100 targets simultaneously
    • Easily perform over 300 measurements simultaneously
    • Automated Inspection reports
    • 360° rotary unit for simultaneous multi-surface measurement
  • What is the Instant Measurement System?

    The IM Series is typically referred to as "The Next Generation of Optical Comparator". The system houses 24 fixed position lens, two cameras and collimated lighting in order to dimension 99 critical features within three seconds. All measurement results are backed by automatically generated inspection reports that prove out the accuracy and repeatability of the unit.

  • Why do customers use the IM Series?

    The system is easy-to-use, fast and accurate. It can be used by anyone, anywhere in your facility. Imagine, that with the push of just one button, operators are able to measure 99 critical features on a part and have an inspection report automatically created for them.

  • Spring

  • Lathe Processing

  • Threads

  • Plastic with Toplight

For more information please download the brochure.

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