• 3-Axis Hybrid Laser Marker

  •   Laser Marker 
      MD-X Series    

    • Autofocus Anywhere
    • Camera inside the laser marking head which can automatically identify a target’s shape.
    • Data-Driven Analytics
    • Can then adjust for X, Y and theta offsets to ensure the marking position is always correct.

  • Laser Marker function 

    Laser marking is most commonly used for direct part marking. They permanently mark, etch, or engrave onto parts and products for tracking and traceability purposes

    They can also be used for cutting and processing, such as coating removal and thin film cutting.

  • What materials can be marked with laser marker?

    Laser Markers can mark on almost any material including metal, plastic, glass, cardboard and more. 

    Common data marked include serial codes, barcodes, date codes, expiration dates and logos.

  • Marking on Metal

  • Marking on Medical Device Equipment

  • Electronic Components

  • Coating Removal

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