• Keyence Vision System

  • Automated Visual Inspection

    Keyence vision systems allows detection and inspection of a wide variety of objects, regardless of color, shape or material.

    Keyence vision systems offer:

    - High speed cameras. Inspect over 100 pieces per second with accuracy.

    - Wide range of capture resolution. From 310K Pixels up to 64 MB Images (Multicapture mode). More Resolution allows your vision system to identify smaller features.

    - Protection for your production from quality complains increasing your inspection rate.

    - Traceability in your production. Start creating an image data base for all your production.
  • 2D + 3D Inspection

    New vision systems include 3D image to get height information from your application. With this new capture, it is now possible to measure, inspect volume, identify particles with very low contrast.

    Keyence Vision System also includes next captures:

    - Multispectral capture. It allows you to see more than only Blue, Green and Red Color.

    - Lumitrax capture. Reduce Glare from external light sources.

    We can make virtual demonstration for you, feel free to contact us!

  • 2D + 3D Inspection at the same Time

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